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The 2017 Arthur Murray All Star Spotlight: Charlotte Keezer

Written by Chris Lynam | Sep 30, 2017 7:16:36 AM

The 2017 Arthur Murray All Star Spotlight: Charlotte Keezer

She's been there.  She won it all, but never like this. 

Charlotte Keezer was a vital member of the All Star Championship Team in 2016 as an Office Manager.  

Now, she returns to the Semi-Final round, determined to return to the World Championships in Las Vegas, but in an entirely new role: 

New Student Counselor. 

Since the All Star win in 2016, Charlotte has experienced a flurry of activity, most notably, a promotion to her current executive role in one of the busiest locations around the globe.  

Here's what she has to say about her current All Star run, and the new role she is occupying. 

What is the AM All Star Competition? 

The Arthur Murray All Stars, officially referred to as the George B. Theiss All Star Competition for the late president of the company, is a skills competition for every level of professional within each location around the world.  The goal is to grow, develop, and reveal the professionals that demonstrate the best customer service, communication, problem solving, critical thinking, and teamwork skills.  The competition begins in each studio and winners advance to small region, or District, competitions.  From there the District winners advance to the large region, or Area, competition.  Finally, the Area winners advance to the World Championships in Las Vegas where each Area team tests and one team is pronounced the winner. 

More importantly, the real winners are the students of the Arthur Murray Dance Studios as these tests, and accompanying training, help to deliver better communication, teamwork, problem solving, and confidence from every member of the staff. 

AML: What's your All-Star experience been like so far?

CK: I've done All-Star testing once as a Teacher when I first started and then for the past 3 years as an Admin.

Last year was my first time advancing into the area round (Semi-Finals) as well as the final round in Vegas, so it was a big year for me and definitely a learning experience. However, it paid off last year, and my team and I left Vegas with trophies in our hands!

AML: What was you reaction to learning that you advanced?

CK: It was honestly shock and disbelief. I was competing in the counselor role for the first time, and I knew my competition would be fierce. I work with the best New Student Counselors in this business, and I listen to their communication skills in our training.

That being said, I really didn't expect to move forward this year since I was newer in this role.

AML: How do you think The All-Star Competition helps the Arthur Murray Industry?

CK: I think All-Stars is really designed to pressure test your knowledge and see how you perform in the most stressful situations, so that when a situation happens in your real studio you are prepared.

It also does a great job of allowing you to try different ways of dealing with situations than you might normally. Because, technically, there are not real repercussions from students, you can be more willing to say something or call something out that you might otherwise be too nervous to.

It lets you test out your skills and training before it counts with a student, and that, in turn, should help you with real students.

AML: What would be your nightmare All-Star round?

CK: I feel like that was pretty much given to me last time I was in Vegas!! Haha, though now as a counselor it would be a little different. The biggest nightmare would probably be a moment where none of your teachers show up to work and you are left with a bunch of students ready for their lessons and no one to teach them!!

AML: How will you train for the next event?

CK: I'll make sure to read the training material and train on my own with other staff members in my school and teammates. Plus I think Chris is setting up some secret meetings as well.... I hope!! 

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