Dance Advice for Humans

What You Can Learn From The "Obama Tango"

Written by Chris Lynam | Mar 26, 2016 12:39:00 AM

My Twitter account went nuts for a minute.  

"You've got to see this..."  "Wow!" "Check this out!", and that's when I saw something on video, involving a president, that wasn't depressing, annoying, or controversial.  

3/28/16 Author's Note:  You will not find any type of political endorsement in this article.  Everything you read is designed to highlight practical takeaways from this story involving the Tango.  We should also point out that the views expressed here are that of the author's, and not on behalf of Arthur Murray International or any of its other franchise locations.  

Please read the entirety of this article to see the full context we are aiming at, especially considering the numerous atrocities taking place throughout the world.  Our primary message is to use dancing as a means of improving on and off the dance floor, connecting ourselves, our community, and our world through an artistic and social medium that can truly make the world a better place.  

Thank you, and we hope you enjoy the article, our blog, and each and every dance opportunity.


Chris Lynam

What People Can Learn From the "Obama Tango"

If you missed it, here's the footage of President Obama Dancing the Tango at the Argentina State Dinner

1.  Think Your Life is Hectic, Try Being the President

I think I'm busy.  I'm sure you think you're busy, but let's think about a new kind of busy:  "President Busy".  One thing the Obama's displayed on their trip to Argentina, and dance demonstration is this:  If they can squeeze in some time to dance, then we all have no excuse.  

2. Even Powerful People Must Learn This Skill

President Obama is, essentially, the leader of the free world.  Yet, even with that designation, he must still learn to acquire the skills to be the leader on the dance floor.  In fact, through parts of the demonstration, it appears that he is not necessarily leading his partner.  Does that make her the Backleader of the Free World?  

Yes, indeed. 

3. Individual Lessons Make Your Real Partner Easier to Dance With

Notice how Mr. and Mrs. Obama are dancing with their own teachers?  We call that a full potential lesson.  That means that couples learn to dance serparately so when they come together it is less troublesome.  From a political standpoint, this was a great move on the part of America and Argentina.  Can you imagine the controversy of Michelle correctly Barrack's frame on worldwide television?  For all of us at home, without every media outlet following your movements, we recommend full potential lessons to couples, even if it won't cause some political uprising.  

4. The Lady is the Picture

I've been in Mr. Obama's shoes.  Not in the presidential sense, but on the dance floor.  I would kid around that while all eyes would be on my gorgeous wife, Daisey Lynam, while we were competing, I could leave and grab a coffee and no one would notice.  President Obama did a wonderful job of allowing his dance partner to shine, rather than attempting to overtake the spotlight himself.  I guess until he shows that he's capable of a leg kick as high as hers, the free world has nothing to worry about.  

5. Never Turn Down a Dance Invitation

I'm sure that the Obamas didn't travel to South America just to dance on TV.  Just watch the beginning of the video.  What begins as a professional performance turns into a trending Twitter topic.  

Yet, given everything that's going on, they accepted an invitation to dance.  

Not everyone feels comfortable dancing in any environment, in front of people, or on Television.  Having the confidence in your dance skills, the personality to laugh off a mistake, and the forsight to see it as an opportunity says a lot about our President and First Lady.  

Final Thought

Sure, you may be saying to yourself "as soon as I'm elected President, am in Argentina, and presented with an incredible opportunity to dance Argentine Tango... that's when I'll start taking lessons."  As much as we believe in your viability as the future leader of the free world (after all, you're reading this blog), learning how to dance is like having a social toolbox.  There are tools that you may never feel like you'll use, and some you use all the time.  What we try to do at Arthur Murray is equip our students so that way any dance opportunity, on any dance floor, is a viable moment to make a dance statement. 

Just like Mr. President. 

An Argentine Tango Journey
49 Steps to Ballroom Dance Etiquette
5 Reasons Why Guys Should Take Dance Lessons